My project focuses on how women can renegotiate their existence in public spaces. The public space is designed to suit the ‘body-at-home’ against which all other bodies are differentiated as the strange or the other. In the global north, this ‘body-at-home’ is a white, able-bodied, heterosexual cis man. His actions set the norm, through which the other bodies are defined, and his needs set the norm of how our cities are designed. This means, that the public space is not safe for, or empathetic towards, every body. My research looks specifically on how women can interrupt the norm to create change for equal distribution of power in public spaces. I attempt to find performative strategies to explore (my) experiential spaces, to find alternative ways of expressing (my) ‘womanness’, and to ask how the changes in (my) personal experiential spaces can create larger changes in the collective spaces. I want to find out how women can renegotiate and re-create their own experiential public spaces to a space of self-sureness. SPECIAL THANKS Thank you Karolina Zwierzyńska, Evelyn, Marta Lupa, Teo Łagowska and Aleksandra Chojenta for starting the revolution! Thank you, Cristian Medel for The Walk, Harsha Chawhan for the photography, and Virpi Velin and Hania Szymczak for the experiments and inspiration. Super thank you, David Limaverde for your guidance and for being my cheerleader when I lost faith.
Thank you Karolina Zwierzyńska, Evelyn, Marta Lupa, Teo Łagowska and Aleksandra Chojenta for starting the revolution! Thank you, Cristian Medel for The Walk, Harsha Chawhan for the photography, and Virpi Velin and Hania Szymczak for the experiments and inspiration. Super thank you, David Limaverde for your guidance and for being my cheerleader when I lost faith.